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Thursday, January 10, 2013

You are unique

The fact that the eyes are not as big as the head does not mean the eyes is not as successful at what is doing as the head. Seeing your colleagues in the same business or career having more possession than you are or controlling more client base than you are does not mean you are less significant than they are. Everyone has his own place, you have to understand that your uniqueness is not negotiable that is why those few clients prefer you to any other person in your niche.  Watch out for Peter Ayeni (Wisdom Digest)

Friday, June 24, 2011

The Nigeria of my Dream!

It’s begging with you?
As our fathers failed us?
We can be the generation that will make the change
Why did every movement that have being built in the past, have continuously failed us? The simple answer is they are not founded out of love or compassion for the people. We are all doing all what we can do base on what we want to gain, or so that we can get the attention of someone somewhere who is at the helm of affairs.
The Nigerian Syndrome

In my short life I have seen that as a nation we complain about virtually everything. Since I was born I have seen people complain about Light, Water & Road. When I grew up I joined the fray, hmm! NEPA (PHCN) received the highest heat, when you ask NEPA (PHCN) officials why we don’t enjoy regular supply of electricity they also complain, climbing up the hierarchy everybody complains. Its shows that nobody have a clue what the problems is, we all just grumble and probably try to have someone to blame for every problem.

Problem Analysis
This is where I have to commend intellectuals in every field of studies in our nation. If I will not exaggerate I don’t think there is a field of study that we don’t have a professor in our country today. We have consultants, economic and development analyst, Public Analyst, Human Rights Activist, Political Analyst, authors with international reputation I celebrate you all. So our papers today are filling with commentary of people analyzing our problems and how the government had failed the people. On TV and Radio interviews more time are spent analyzing our problems rather than proffering solutions.

I grew up to hear people criticizing the government. At every point in time there has being prominent people that have risen up against the government in power about what they have done well or wrong. The question is as we transit from one tenor to the other nothing change and the criticism never stop.
As older critics retired new one evolves, and year in year out nothing have changed. And we have continued to spend our precious time and energy using different medium criticizing others. The interesting thing to know is that every Nigerian is a potential critic; we always have something to say about someone else without checking ourselves.
A call to action!
If our fathers have been doing the talking and nothing happens: is high time we start to talk less and act more. We can be the generation that will be breaking the chain of corruption, poverty, fallen educational standard etc.
The Nigeria of our dream cannot come to reality by endless debate of how the Government has being doing something wrong. Let’s rise up and say we can! We can have corruption free institutions, water and light can be available endlessly without interruption, shelter for everyone can be guaranteed. A Nation where no citizen will go to bed without food can be build. Our integrity abroad can be restored. We can take back our place in the affairs of the world as a Nation.

It begins with you, as it was said “if every individual can sweep the front of their house the whole world will be clean” anonymous. Start from the corner of your room, extend to your neighborhood, move in your village, and start to make a different within your town. Say no to corrupt practices of any kind, do your own part as a citizen of this great nation, check out Nigeria constitution and know what is expected of you as a citizen. 

We can build community hospitals, schools, power project and so many more. We should realize that we are the government. We can start a community service as a business owner to impact the environment where our company is located. You can organize competition for schools and award scholarship for brilliant student. We can come together and construct our roads, give to needy around us. 

The call to a new Nigeria is not the call to become a politician, or to call on government to come and give us our right as if it is a favor they are doing for us, and use it as tool for campaigning for second time. This is a call for all Nigerians in our own little capacity to affect our Nation for good.   
Let it be written with the pen of gold in the heart of history that you are part of the few that made a new Nigeria a reality.

For Enquiries or to invite me for a talk: +2347036707778 Twitter: @princedjonline Facebook: ayodejiofficial Blog: www.princeayodeji.blogspot.com

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Nigeria I See

This morning I was reading the new Time Magazine, I quickly flip to the most interesting page, -5 things U.S can learn from China. My eyes open and I said to my self: If you eat and do what the succesful do you will be a success. As a country we need to adapt some of this principle. I will post the details very soon in my new article: The Nigeria I See.

Coming Soon...

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Be Inspired!

If you are reading this article I congratulate you because you are part of destiny. When you finish reading this article and act as you apply the insight you deduced from it into every aspect of your life, you will call me in five years, by then we will be in the billionaires club, controlling the economy of this Nation and of the world, making difference in politics and other professions; commander of industries as we positively make impacts in our generation.

Advice they say is worth more than a million dollars. You have so many mentors; you have read so many books; you have attended so many seminars, conferences and summit, but the hunger and thirst never seize. Friends, family members and even your parents advice you to quit (you better get something else doing). Wow! You are confused, you don’t know what to do, but there is this feeling that woke you up in the night, the curiosity for greatness, it’s telling you, you can!

See how talented you are; my God! You are so brilliant and creative, everybody knows but you have nothing to show for it. They keep asking you: Have you get the job? Where is your office now? Is your album out? What about the book I saw you working on? What about the proposal? Am yet to see you on TV, how is your GP now? How about your admission? Etc. You cry secretly, nobody can feel your pain, you still act as if all is well, you are at the edge of giving up.

Rise up! It is not over yet. I am not here to give you sweet words or to motivate you, I know you have heard enough; I have too, and I need an answer just as you do. Come with me and let’s go back to the design board and re-creation laboratory.

Every scientific invention was born from a curiosity to find solution to a problem or an answer to a question. The same is applicable to us as human beings; we all know we are on this planet earth for a purpose. But it doesn’t make sense to us until we come to a point in our life where we ask this question “What on earth am I here for?” until we ask our self and provide adequate answers to it we can’t make our life an invention. If you have not in anytime in your life, ask that question and you specifically deal with it by providing an answer to it. You can do it now; that is the starting point, I did mine at the age of 15. You may have turned 50 or 60 now but that is immaterial, you can still do it. Moses did not discover his purpose in creation until he was 45. You may think: how can I go about this? A potter does to a pot what he likes, because he created it. So your creator knows why he made you. Hence, go back to him. Every true successful people on earth have gone through this process. So do it, and if you have already done this before, congratulation!

Let’s ride on our way to success.

To prepare us ahead, let me share this little revelation I got from one of Bishop Oyedepo’s Teachings which has changed my life.

“Success in the kingdom is not a function of connection is a function of revelation.”

From experience I discover that 90% of Nigerians never accomplished their set goals because of total dependent on man (may be a politician, a business man, a brother, sister, mother, father or friend). Which have repeatedly failed them but they never seem to learn from it until they are dead (not attaining their purpose of being created). From my little experience, I discovered that 90% of the contract I won are from the people I never knew or had any contact with (while I was still busy running to be connected).

If you depend on man to be successful, you can only reach his humanly attainable height, but if God lifts a man, He lifts him above all. Where you are going to in life is not determined by your background or your present financial status. What you need first is not money; you need to discover what you are born to do. Statistics shows that majority of the millionaires that are emerging nowadays come from a poor background. So if you come from a poor family like me there is still hope for you; don’t give up!

“I am the Lord your God that gives you power to make wealth”

You can make it happen in 2012

Make this your watch word


Bold Step


Statistics show that, out of every one hundred people when asked;

Do you want to be successful?

100% answer yes, unfortunately 95% out of 100% cannot sacrifice or do what it really takes to be a successful person.

Many have died with their dreams unaccomplished. Some with their project unexecuted and others with their talents not expressed.

No wonder a wise man says “The richest place in the world is the grave yard; that is where the various great potentials not utilized are buried life”

Don’t hold your success to yourself.

“You are God’s handkerchief to someone in tears” Akin o. Alibi

That dream, that talent could be what will take you to the expected end, God is heading you to. Take a bold step now! Get rid of the fear,

“Refuse to let fear control your life or it will keep you from ever reaching your destiny” Bob Gas

Are you intimidated about your given talents? Are you saying I’m not as good as this or that person? That talent or idea is not as little as you think, start working on it. Are you scared that you are too young to execute that project or you are bothered about the finance. All these held me back too, until I registered my company name at age 19 despite all hindrances, take it out of your head

“Your self-esteem is not predicated by your age, bank account or material property” Cology

God is looking beyond that in your life.

 “Go in that your might you mighty man of Valor”

Take hold of that talent, re-structure those dreams; pursue that goal; go and start that business; make that phone call; submit that proposal; take that bold step now. If you do not, another person will. Stand up to the task. Jesus started dominating as a child; David as a teenager; you can do it.

“Maturity is not about your age. It depends on experience and how wide you can think and put things in order”

Dr. Samuel Langely a professor of mathematics and astronomy at the Smith Sonian Institution, in October 8, 1903 took a bold step, to make man fly in the sky. What a great innovation; with all zeal, putting together all materials and money and with the support from U.S Department of Defense’, he succeeded after many trials. He failed the first and second time he tried to fly his plane and was blasted by the New York Times they said:

“We hope professor Langely will not put his substantial greatness in further peril by continuing to waste his time and money”

What a discouraging word. What do you do when you are discouraged doing what you like doing best? So many times you have been despised, don’t be discouraged, the world has been known for that. Albert Einstein tried inventing electricity and failing more than an hundred times so try on more time. Professor Langely was frustrated and, he forgot where he was going to and missed it he wrote:

“I have brought to a close the portion of the work which seemed to be specially mine for the next stage, the world may look to others.”

What a sorrowful end of a great innovation. The world did look for others, now we all see air planes, helicopters and jets even rockets around us today. The Wright Brothers were the two bicycle mechanics who pioneered the first plane that flew and landed successfully after ten years, bicycle mechanics finished up the project and succeeded a Professor.

Orville and Wilbur Wright, with no Educational background and no funds or support from the Governments flew their plane (flyer 1) over the sands of Kitty Hawk and into history book.

“You don’t need money first you need idea first” Myles Munroe

Define where you are going to, it may take a little longer; the road might be rough but don’t be discourage; take a bold step forward on that vision.

“Beginning is half done” Robert Schuler

The world is waiting for your manifestation. That one Idea in you can change Nigeria and this generation for good. The world is waiting for your arrival or do you want us to look for others? God forbid!

Take the bold step to succeed now, the future is yours. You are the messiah of that profession, business, craft … come and show the light they are expecting. I leave you with this.

Figure it out for yourself, my lad,

You have all that the greatest of men had to be successful.

You have all you need (a brain) to use to be wise.

This is more than enough for you to get started.

“So start for the top and say I Can” Edgar Guest

Act Now!

You can make it happen in 2012!

Categories: Uncategorized

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About Me

From time immemorial, those who have been inspired to bring change to the world have all employed one thing in common, innovation and creative tool that consistently makes the impossible possible.

He is one of the first reputable Nigerian to build a brand known of quality & fastest growing ICT, Brand and Business Consulting firm in Nigeria. Popularly known as ‘Cology’, he CARRIES VISION OF INNOVATION AT ITS PEAK.

HE IS THE CEO OF SPID INTELLIGENCE and XTRA-FORX MEDIA, solely growing in a proud and illustrious career in the history of Web Design & Development, Graphics, Software Solutions,System Analyst, Internet Security, Multimedia, Business Intelligence, Brand Consulatant, Business Development, Leadership Training and Youth Capacity Development.

A Graduate of Bethesda Bible Institute. Studied Computing at Informatics, Certified Internet Technologist, Cambridge Certified E-Commerce Associate, Cambridge Certified Web-Publisher.

If you’ve ever heard of Young Developers Network (YDN), Peter is the Founder and President of this team which is set to transform Nigeria by grooming bright minds that think alike.

The president of Wisdom Seat International an Organization with the passion for Youth Capacity Development, Leadership Training, and Motivational Teaching.